• Pros and cons of E2E testing


    Pros and cons of this approach to autotests


    The tests are both native and cross-platform. Active framework support.


    Access to the architecture and entities allows you to set locators for the necessary elements yourself,

    without involving anyone.


    Changes to files in the mobile application are always visible to the autotester. Developers also see

    component and scenario tests and can fix their own bugs in time.



    The new framework is updated on its own clock and is not always in sync with native tools. In fact, only

    native tools for autotesting do not have this minus. But Calabash or Appium has it.


    I would like to note that the Flutter community makes contact without any problems. They respond

    quickly and fix issues.


    The tests are inside the mobile application and are completely dependent on it. If the application breaks,

    the tests will break: for example, if the version of the package has been updated and the dependencies

    are broken.


    Changes in the code force you to constantly build (for E2E).

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